AquiMax® Increases Corn Yield and Provides Similar Yield with Less Water
Below are the results of tests with AquiMax performed on corn grown in various soils. The results show that the application of AquiMax increased the irrigation efficiency by delivering a higher yield per acre with the same amount of irrigation or the same yield while decreasing the amount of water used.
Trial 1: Increased Irrigation Efficiency Impacts Corn Yield Research - Set Up
Test Year:
Soil type:
Test Set up:
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Clay loam
Randomized Complete Block Design with 6 Replications
To simulate injection, AquiMax was sprayed onto the soil surface and watered-in by linear gradient irrigation on August 3rd and August 13th at a rate of 4 qt/ac. Corn was watered to replace either 100% or 70% of water lost through evapotranspiration (ET). AquiMax application resulted in a 14% increase in corn yield at 100% ET replacement, and the same yield with 30% less water using a patented soil moisture management technology.
Trial 1: Increased Irrigation Efficiency for Corn - Results
Application of AquiMax on corn in Colorado:
- Improved yield by 27 bu per Acre with 100% ET
- Decrease water usage by 30% while maintaining same yield
14% Yield Increase at 100% Evapotranspiration Replacement

Trial 2: Increased Irrigation Efficiency Impacts Corn Yield Research - Set Up
Test Year:
Soil type:
Test Set up:
Syntech Research, Davis, CA
Sandy loam
Randomized Complete Block Design with 4 Replications
AquiMax was injected into surface drip irrigation two weeks prior to tasseling (V8-V10), at tasseling (VT), and two weeks after tasseling (R2-R4) at a rate of 2.5 qt/ac. These applications were made to avoid drought stress during important physiological stages of the crop’s development. Corn was watered to replace either 100% or 70% of water lost through evapotranspiration (ET). AquiMax resulted in a 12 bu/ac yield increase at 100% ET replacement, and an 8 bu/ac yield increase with 30% less water.
Trial 2: Increased Irrigation Efficiency for Corn - Results
Application of AquiMax on corn in California:
- Improved yield by 12 bu per Acre with 100% ET replacement
- Improved yield by 8 bu per Acre with 70% ET replacement
* Corn Yield Increased by 6% with 100% ET replacement
* Corn Yield Increased by 4% with 70% ET replacement

With AquiMax, you can save water usage while increasing yield in corn!
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